Saturday, September 12, 2009

In good humor...

A lazy day is what I deserved and so I allowed myself to indulge in sleep and buffalo wings.  The extent to which I vegetated included cookies and cream and Tim Burton movies.  The most extreme action I took part in today was keeping the outdoor kittens from following grandma down the driveway.  A long week of headaches, matricualtion, little girls, and physical therapy, concluded with an honors paper about a French revolutionist, further fueled my desire to do NOTHING!  And so, Saturday was my lazy day and starting tomorrow I will be alert and aware of the things that I ought to be doing before the morning of the Monday that follows. 
As for now, I giggle and admire my kittens and their spunk.  Their tenacious and excuberant nature that permits them to do almost anything.  I envy their never ending energy and their tiresome antics. And I love them for their eternal unconditional love they give to me.