Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I've done it!  I've started counting calories and quit the Dr. Pepper.  EEEK!! I'm doing it and there is nothing anyone can say to stop me.  I have made the decision to have gastric bypass in the spring and I have to begin now preparing for the surgery.  I don't mind at all, in fact I'm probably the most excited I have been since Harry Potter 7 came out!  My health has been iffy for years and though I am not ill because of being overweight as much as I am overweight because of being ill, I struggle daily with aches and pains I know will likely go away once I have this surgery.  The only thing I am stirring over is what will my head look like on a thinner me!?  I haven't been thin enough as an adult to know what it would be like to BE thin. 

I know I have a million changes ahead of me and by starting now I am assuring myself that I AM prepared to make those changes.  I will miss cheesecake and chinese food, I won't be able to indulge in those as much as I have in the past.  I can do without the sodas and even some of the starches ( I still get bummed at the thought of not having rice or potatoes).  And I don't even mind giving up my carne asada burrito, I want to be healthy again, errr as healthy as I can be anyway.  I know my seizures won't stop, they don't have anything to do with my weight.

More than anything, I am looking forward to all the opportunities that will open up to me after this.  I want to be an anthropologist and work in the field but until now I was afraid that wouldn't happen.  Now I see that it is very possible.  I want to get married and have kids and although I don't doubt it could happen right now, I feel the physical changes I am going to under go will only further strengthen my emotional wellbeing and prepare me for those blessings. I have denied myself the blessings of Sunday services and the temple because of low self esteem and poor self image.  Selfish I know but very true.  I know in my heart that the Lord will forgive me, I just have to let myself be forgiven and accept the blessings that will come from all of this. 

I know my Redeemer lives.  I know that I am a daughter of our Heavenly Father whom I love with all my heart and soul.  I know that I will be given the eternal blessings that He has in store for me when He feels I am ready for them.  The gifts that I have been given are immeasurable and sacred.  I pray everyday that I will be stronger, happy, healthy, and above all, humble and patient enough to hear the voice that will guide me through my life.  I am grateful for everything I have.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A lazy day is what I deserved and so I allowed myself to indulge in sleep and buffalo wings.  The extent to which I vegetated included cookies and cream and Tim Burton movies.  The most extreme action I took part in today was keeping the outdoor kittens from following grandma down the driveway.  A long week of headaches, matricualtion, little girls, and physical therapy, concluded with an honors paper about a French revolutionist, further fueled my desire to do NOTHING!  And so, Saturday was my lazy day and starting tomorrow I will be alert and aware of the things that I ought to be doing before the morning of the Monday that follows. 
As for now, I giggle and admire my kittens and their spunk.  Their tenacious and excuberant nature that permits them to do almost anything.  I envy their never ending energy and their tiresome antics. And I love them for their eternal unconditional love they give to me.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Lord blesses all of us according to our needs. I find that I am most grateful that He knows my needs even when I don't. My health is always going to be an issue and I have accepted this fact and try to do my best with what I have got. Despite the many physical limits I am subject too, I have recently been able to graduate from the GED program with Honors. I'm attending my 3rd semester of community college and maintaining a 3.86 average. I recently changed my major from Anthropology to Early Childhood Education with a focus in Special Needs. I have a wonderful family who supports me in all I wish to do.  I'm the luckiest aunt and sister in the world and relish the times I spend with my siblings and their families. I can't help but feel blessed and I hope that my gratitude is evident to those around me. I am filled with the peace that comes from simple accomplishment and moreover with the peace of knowing that I am a well loved daughter of God. I pray that I may be blessed further with the opportunity to share this joy with an eternal companion of my own someday. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Third day of the semester and I have set my limits early.  I'm never afraid to say "when" if it means giving my health a break.  I signed up for Sign Language 2 and though it is a relatively easy class compared to others I have taken, its timing within my schedule was exhausting me far too soon.  Having a lab science at 8:30 in the morning and a Math class in the later afternoon made functioning after 5pm far more difficult than I had imagined.  Combine that with physical therapy for my lousy spine wearing me down on the odd days of the week, I found out early enough that I needed to offer up that "when" on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 
Anyway, I absolutely love my classes.  Western Civ with Dr. Bramhall is wonderful; it seems to be over too quickly, in my opinion.  Same goes for my Geology class, although I do have a lengthy lab PLUS lectures on Thursdays.  Being that my family considers me an over-achiever, I switched each of those 2 courses to the Honors versions for a little mental workout.
All in all, my first three days of Fall semester has been both exciting and enlightening.  I'm grateful for advisors who have the interests of the student in mind.  My over achieving nature originally had me registered for 19 credit hours! With the proper advice I widdled it down to 14 and as of today it's down to 11 unless I can squeeze in an online course specifically for my major.  Whether I do or not, I can't wait to see what the rest of the next 15.5 weeks has to offer.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Anticipatory though it may be, I sense with all my nephew's Spidey senses that this semester will be the best there ever was.  I see stellar performances in all my classes, monumental essays and jaw dropping test results.  In addition to all this my humility I predict the need for extinsive security measures in the event that someone will desire to know my genius for their own.  I'm going to invest in a guard dog I think.  My cousin has one that may just be what I'm looking for; tell me what you think:
Or I could save myself the time of training a new champ and stick with my parents dog.  She's older and *ahem* wiser and has no fear...
In any case, if these options are unfavorable to my needs I can always hire my nephew to protect me in my darkest hours.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fudge is one of three that I currently have.  Before these three came to live with me I had a small tabby named Daisy.  She passed away 3 weeks before I took in Fudge and Picklepuss.  Truffles came to live with us a little over a year ago. 

Daisy Mae
Truffles is the most curious
Her full name is Princess Picklepuss-- I just call her Pickle
She has innocent down to an art

I am content being a cat lady.  Yes, I have cats; it would be sillier than necessary to not have cats and say I am a cat lady.  For that matter, my father is as much of a cat lady as I am!  But I digress - My own cats are my joy and my therapy.  I share the responsibility of caring for our outdoor cats and kittens with my father and find as much amusement in them as my own.  I have successfully returned to school after a 15 year hiatus during which (and still) endured many health problems.  My days and nights are booked with quiet satisfaction and accomplishment.  I find solice in the beautiful things in this life and strive to keep a positive attitude when things get tough.  Being a proud aunt and daffy sister as well as an extremely grateful daughter, I am very close with my family and thankful for everything that each one of them does for me.  My world is simple and unflashy but it is mine. 

Fudge is a heavy drinker
