Saturday, June 30, 2012


Saving Face

Stand at the face of infinity,

and see me.

Read from the books of reality,

and hear me.

Take heed in word I will sing to you,

then feel me.

Find fact through the eyes of integrity,

then teach me.

Close doors on forgotten memories,

to need me.

Speak silence in words of true honesty,

to have me.


Words will Manifest

Blood and life in the tips of my fingers
click, click on the small padded squares.
constant pressing matters of the brain
calling to the conscious
from the subconscious.

They live in me and my body trembles as
they fall from the world within my limbs and flesh.
a day without words manifested is like a day without
a stranger in ones life.
Unusual to me.

I am not unlike the bear.
I am living on the white lace and satin.
Manifested in the words of my flesh
Blood and life
Blood and Breath
They live in me and I simply offer them to you.

And they make me beautiful.